In Articulo Mortis

di/by: Ivan Zucconin articulo mortis

Con/Cast: Michael Segal, Roberto D’Antona, Silvia Boreale, Roberto Ciasca

Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Michael Segal

Fotografia/Cinematography: Ivan Zuccon

Montaggio/Editing: Ivan Zuccon

Effetti Speciali/Special Effects: Francesco Longo

Musiche/Music: Aurora Rochez

Produzione/Production: Permament Momories Entertainment 2016

Anno di realizzazione/Year: 2016

Durata/Film run: 6’

Nazionalità/Country: Italy

Sinossi: Un poliziotto dotato di poteri paranormali deve fronteggiare un assassino con le stesse capacità.

Synopsis: Dante, a detective, has the incredible power to see what happened where a great evil was consumed. He can’t escape violence and hates his own world and gift. A brutal killer with the same ability, challenges him in a ferocious hunt.

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